Prior to filing the application for a study visa, students shall complete the pre-enrolment or enrolment procedures as per the following options.
Enrolment in Laurea degree and Laurea magistrale degree courses
For students interested in Laurea and Laurea Magistrale degree courses a dedicated portal called UNIVERSITALY is now operational. All pre-enrolment procedures for Bachelor and Master Courses or for five- or six-years Single Cycle Courses (i.e. Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, single-cycle Architecture, Law and Art Conservation) will be exclusively channeled through the portal UNIVERSITALY.
Students for whom the application by the institution of higher education received within the UNIVERSITALY portal has been validated, can apply for a visa through the VFS Global Visa Application Centre.
Enrolment in courses at AFAM or SSML institutions or Institutes in psychotherapy specialization and other institutions authorized to issue higher artistic, musical and dance education qualifications
The portal UNIVERSITALY is going to be active for AFAM sector institution (as Academies of Fine Arts, The National Dance Academy, National Dramatic Arts Academy, Legally Recognized Academies of Fine Arts, Music Conservatories, State-Recognized Music Institutes and Higher Institutes for Artistic Industries) and Higher Schools for Language Mediators (SSML) from May 14, 2021.
Students for whom the application by the institution of higher education received within the UNIVERSITALY portal has been validated, can apply for a visa through the VFS Global Visa Application Centre.
Enrolment in other courses
Candidates in possession of a foreign academic qualification equivalent in level, type, content and academic rights (access to further courses), to the Italian academic qualification required for access to the chosen course, may request enrolment in courses for scuole di specializzazione, dottorato di ricerca, perfezionamento, master universitari di primo e secondo livello, single courses (corsi singoli), courses in Italian language and culture at the Universities for Foreigners of Perugia, Siena and “Dante Alighieri” Reggio Calabria and foundation courses (corsi propedeutici). Candidates for these academic activities and courses will have to carry out the pre-enrolment procedures using the UNIVERSITALY portal, as in the case of Laurea and Laurea Magistrale degree courses.
Students for whom the application by the institution of higher education received within the UNIVERSITALY portal has been validated, can apply for a visa through the VFS Global Visa Application Centre.
Please note that, regardless of the course chosen, the Italian higher education institution might require a Dichiarazione di valore (Declaration of Value, DoV) during the pre-enrolment procedure, in the Letter of eligibility for enrolment or, in general, in other communications, it will be clearly indicated whether, in the opinion of the Institute, it is necessary or not to request a DoV.
If required by the higher education institution, the DoV will be considered as a necessary requirement for obtaining the visa itself.
The Declaration of Value will be issued by the Consular Office competent for the place of issue of the highest degree/diploma.