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Indo European Residency Project (2017- 2021)

The Consulate General Of Italy in Kolkata with Institut français en Inde, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata, the British Council, Kolkata and the Alliance française du Bengale, in collaboration with the Kolkata based gallery CIMA and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in New Delhi, are organizing the forth interdisciplinary Indo-European Residency Project Kolkata. In 2021, for the first time, the residency will be designed on a digital platform, thus ensuring that the residency will take place notwithstanding the prevailing COVID situation. The digital platform aims to reflect all the elements that gives the participants the feel of actually experiencing the city of Kolkata. The residency will last for nine weeks and is planned to start from mid-September 2021.

The Indo-European Residency Project Kolkata 2021 is supported by EUNIC – European Union National Institutes for Culture which is Europe’s network of national cultural institutes and organizations active in cultural relations.

For downloading the Call for Applications, click here.