With the Ordinance of 30 May 2021, the Minister of Health extended the restrictions to enter and transit in the national territory to persons who in the fourteen (14) days before have stayed or transited in India, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka until 21 June 2021.
According to the Ordinance, entry into and transit through the national territory from India is only allowed:
- to Italian citizens who have registered residence in Italy as of 28 April 2021;
- to Italian citizens who reside abroad and are registered to the “Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero” (AIRE);
- officials and agents, however named, of the European Union or international organizations, diplomatic agents, administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions, consular officers and employees, military personnel, including those returning from missions and of the Police Forces, the personnel of the Information System for the safety of the Republic and of the Fire Brigade in the exercise of their functions, only with the authorization of the Ministry of Health or in compliance with validated health protocols;
- on humanitarian or emergency situations, upon authorization by the Italian Ministry of Health.
Such entries are possible as long as the subjects do not exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.
Those entitled to enter the national territory are also subject to:
- the obligation to fill in the digital localization form;
- the obligation to present to the carrier, at the time of boarding, and to anyone appointed to carry out the checks, of the certification proving that they have undergone, in the seventy-two (72) hours before entry into the national territory, to a molecular or antigenic test, carried out through a swab, which has given a negative result;
- the obligation to undergo a molecular or antigen test, to be carried out through a swab, upon arrival at the airport;
- in the case of molecular tests, the subject is in any case kept in isolation until the outcome of the same;
- the obligation to undergo health surveillance and fiduciary isolation for a period of ten (10) days at the “Covid Hotels” or in another suitable place indicated by the health authority or the civil protection authority;
- the obligation to carry out a further molecular or antigen test at the end of the ten (10) days of quarantine.
Provided that no symptoms of COVID-19 arise and without prejudice to the obligations to fill in the digital tracking form, the crews and crews of the means of transport of people and goods from India are subject to the obligation of a molecular test or antigenic, to be carried out through a swab, upon arrival at the airport, port or border place, where possible, or within forty-eight (48) hours of entering the national territory at the local health authority of reference. In addition, from the moment of entry into Italy and until the return flight, the measure of isolation applies in suitable places indicated by the health authority or the civil protection authority.
The Consulate General of Italy in Calcutta remains available for information and assistance.