With the adoption of the Ordinance of the Italian Minister of Health dated 28 August 2021, the Government of Italy has updated the regime of mobility between India and Italy with effect from 31 August 2021 until 25 October 2021.
The afore-mentioned Ordinance extends the range of categories of travelers who are allowed to enter Italian territory and complements the set of regulations previously adopted with the Ordinances of the Minister of Health dated 29 July 2021 and 24 June 2021 and with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers dated 2 March 2021.
According to the above-mentioned provisions, entry in and transit through the Italian national territory of persons who have stayed in or transited through India, Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka in the previous fourteen (14) days are allowed provided that they do not show symptoms of COVID-19 and are in one of the following categories:
a) all Italian citizens;
b) travelers who, regardless of citizenship and residence, enter for study purposes;
c) travelers who, regardless of citizenship, intend to reach their place of residence in Italy established on a date before 28 August 2021;
d) travelers who intend to reach the domicile, home, or registered residence of their minor children, spouse, or part of the civil union.
e) Seafarers reaching a ship in Italy for embarkation;
f) participants in sporting competitions (athletes, coaches, judges, competition commission-ers and accompanying persons, representatives of the foreign press) taking place exclusively on Italian territory and upon official invitation of the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) or the Ital-ian Paralympic Committee (CIP).
g) delegations participating in G20 Official Meetings or G20-related meetings upon invita-tion of the Government of Italy.
h) travelers previously authorized by the Ministry of Health for mandatory reasons of neces-sity.
Except for travelers under items e), f), and g), to whom special health protocols apply, all those entitled to enter the Italian national territory are also subject to:
1. present the Passenger Locator Form, in digital format or in hard copy, to the carrier at the time of boarding and to anyone appointed to carry out checks;
2. present to the carrier, at the time of boarding and to anyone appointed to carry out the checks, the certification of having undergone in the seventy-two (72) hours before entry into the national territory to a molecular or antigenic test, carried out through swab and negative result;
3. undergo a molecular or antigenic test, to be carried out through a swab, upon arrival at the airport, port, or border area: in the event of a molecular test, the subject is in any case kept in isolation until the outcome of the same;
4. undergo fiduciary isolation at the address indicated in the Passenger Locator Form for ten (10) days;
5. perform an additional molecular or antigen test at the end of ten (10) days of fiduciary isolation.
Provided that no symptoms of COVID-19 arise and without prejudice to the obligations to fill in the Passenger Locator Form, the crews and crews of the means of transport of people and goods from India are subject to the obligation of a molecular or antigenic test, to be carried out through a swab, upon arrival at the airport, port or border place, where possible, or within forty-eight (48) hours after entering the Italian national territory at the local health authority of reference. Fur-thermore, from the entry date into Italy, the measure of fiduciary isolation is applied to them for ten (10) days.
For further details, please consult the page of the Ministry of Health.
The Consulate General of Italy in Calcutta remains available for information and assistance.