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Recognition of the equivalence for the Covishield vaccine in Italy

The Consulate General of Italy in Kolkata informs that, on 23 September 2021, the Italian Ministry of Health has recognized the equivalence of the following Covid-19 vaccines to those already enlisted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA):

Covishield (Serum Institute of India);R-CoVI (R-Pharm);Covid-19 vaccine recombinant (Fiocruz).

As a result, foreign countries’ vaccination certificates pertaining to the aforementioned vaccines would entitle their holders to receive the Covid-19 EU “Green Pass” from the Italian competent authorities, upon their request to be submitted in the Italian national territory.

To this end, foreign countries’ vaccination certificates must be held by:

Italian citizens and their family members;Foreign citizens who reside in Italy for work or study purposes;Whoever is inscribed on the Italian national health service register, regardless of citizenship and residence, that has been vaccinated abroad with any of the vaccines enlisted above.

Foreign countries’ vaccination certificates must contain at least the following contents:

identification data of the owner (name, surname, date of birth);data relating to the vaccine (name and lot);date(s) of administration of the vaccine;identification data of the authority who issued the certificate (country, health authority).

Vaccination certifications, in paper or digital format, must be drawn up in at least one of the following languages:


For further information, see the following page: