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New Italian discipline for arrivals from India

Upon the ordinance of the Minister of Health of 22 October 2021, starting from 26 October and until 15 December 2021 India has been included among the List E countries of annex 20 to the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 2 March 2021.

Entry into Italy from India therefore does not require authorization from the Ministry of Health. It is only allowed for the following reasons:

  • work;
  • health;
  • study;
  • absolute urgency;
  • return to your home, home, or residence.

Entry into Italy, in case of stay or transit in India in the previous 14 days, is still allowed:

  • to Italian / EU / Schengen citizens and their family members, as well as holders of long-term resident status and their family members;
  • to people who have a proven and stable emotional relationship, even if not cohabiting, with Italian / EU / Schengen citizens or with people legally resident in Italy (long-term residents), who must reach their home / domicile / residence of the partner in Italy;
  • to athletes, judges and match commissioners, representatives of the foreign press and accompanying persons in competitive sports competitions, with a provision of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) and the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP).

Entry into Italy from India for tourism is not allowed.

For entry into Italy from India, it is mandatory:

  • to comply with the submission of the Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy;
  • performing the test with molecular or antigenic swab carried out in the 72 hours before entry into Italy and the result of which is negative (minors under the age of six are exempted);
  • to communicate immediately the entry into Italy to the competent health authority (see this page);
  • transferring to the final destination exclusively by private vehicle;
  • to comply with the fiduciary isolation at the address indicated in the Passenger Locator Form for ten days;
  • performing the further test with molecular or antigenic swab at the end of the ten-day fiduciary isolation.

Provided that no symptoms of COVID-19 arise, those who enter Italy from India can benefit from specific exemptions from the following prevention measures:

  1. waiver from the swab performed within 72 hours before entry into Italy, from fiduciary isolation and from the further test at the end of fiduciary isolation;
  2. waiver from fiduciary isolation and from the further test at the end of fiduciary isolation.

For the activation of the exemptions described in points 1 and 2 it is sufficient to fill in a self-declaration. For the list of categories that may benefit from the aforementioned exemptions and the procedure to be followed for the activation, see the page of the Ministry of Health.